Get involved

Community Workshops

These workshops offer formal and informal opportunities to participate in the planning process. Topics including informing and educating on the project, vision and guiding principles, coastal zoning and land use, and policy development.

Online Questionnaires

Participate in an online questionnaire or view past results. Topics will including existing conditions, issues/opportunities, vision, coastal zoning priorities, policy framework, and reviewing the draft Land Use Plan and Implementation Plan.


Take the Beach and Coastal Access Questionnaire now!

City Council and Planning Commission Sessions

Attend upcoming meetings or review meeting recordings and materials from past City Council and Planning Commission meetings related to the project. 

Engagement Plan

The engagement plan identifies opportunities for conducting outreach to Marina’s diverse communities, key demographics to be targeted, and describes the tools for how the project team will interact and communicate with residents of Marina.

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Stay updated on the latest news regarding the Local Coastal Program update by joining our mailing list.